Prof., Dr.hab.oec. Baiba Rivža
Member of the LAS EPPI Council LAS, Member of the Presidium
Professor of Economics of Latvia University of Life Sciences and technologies; ex-minister of Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia. President of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of Latvia; Member of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Latvia; Foreign member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science, of the Academia dei Georgofili and of the Lithuania Academy of Sciences; Vice chair of the Latvia Council of Higher education, President of Latvia universities professors association. Expert from the European Academy of Sciences Academic Advisory Board (EASAC) in the field of economics. Coautor of Research „Circular economy: a commentary from the perspectives of the natural and social sciences”( ). B.Rivza has taken several assignments for the European Council in the capacity of expert. She has experience in project identification, formulation, monitoring and evolution, troubleshooting, training and other types of services.