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DELFI Versijas. Inna Šteinbuka, Oļegs Barānovs, Gundars BērziņšLV PEAK pētnieki – Produktivitāte – drošākais ceļš uz labklajību/LV PEAK researchers – Productivity is the safest way to prosperity/

Follow this link to read full article (in Latvian on DELFI portal)…

Aldis Austers, Dagmāra Beitnere-Le Galla, Zane Rasnača. Challenges facing asylum seekers in the European Union and Latvia.

Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2019. 260 lpp., ISBN 978-9934-18-430-7

This collective monograph has been developed in the project “Improvement of the Legal Framework for Asylum Seekers of Latvia and the European Union by Balancing the Interests of Latvia, the EU and Asylum Seekers" with financial support of the European Commission in Latvia and the University of Latvia. The research was initiated in response to a proposal made in January 2017 by the Board of Experts of the Rector of the University of Latvia.

Ž. Ozoliņa, I. Šteinbuka (zin. red.). Latvijas Eiropas ceļš: 15 < 30 < 100 /Latvia’s European Way: 15 < 30 < 100/.

Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2019. 192 lpp., ISBN 978-9934-18-479-6,

This publication is based on a compilation of a number of academic and public studies, discussions, international conferences and public diplomacy events that analyze issues of major importance to the country’s development, provide a comprehensive overview of Latvia’s historical events, and highlight key future trends. Its authors are Dainis Auers, Aldis Austers, Valdis Dombrovskis, Ivars Ījabs, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, Žaneta Ozoliņa, Edgar Rinkēvičs, Inna Steinbuka.

The monograph was published in cooperation with the Representation of the European Commission in Latvia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, the LAS Institute for European Policy Studies and the Latvian Political Science Association.

DELFI Business. Pētījums par dalību ES – esam pamatīgi auguši, bet ne visas cerības piepildījušās/EU membership study – we have grown profoundly, but not all expectations have been fulfilled/

Follow this link to read full article (in Latvian on DELFI Business portal)…

A. Austers, D. Auers, I. Šteinbuka, Ž. Ozoliņa. 15 no 100. Latvijas dalības Eiropas Savienībā 15 gadi.

Rakstu krājums “Latvijas intereses Eiropas Savienībā. 2019/1, 15.-131.lpp, ISSN 2243-6049

The first issue of the journal “Latvia’s interests in the European Union” is dedicated to Latvia’s 15 years in the European Union and the future of Europe. In this issue Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs analyzes the challenges and risks of Latvia’s foreign policy, also the extensive study “15 of 100 Years of Latvia’s Participation in the European Union” conducted by the researchers of the Latvian Political Society and the European Policy Research institute is presented for readers.

Follow the link to explore more information about the journal and research team. Read more about the journal “Latvijas intereses Eiropas Savienībā (in Latvian)…

I. Šteinbuka (zin. red.). Raising Productivity: Trends and Future Challenges

Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2019. 176 lpp., ISBN 978-9934-18-426-0,

This monography is the first result of the scientific activity of the Latvian Productivity, Efficiency, Development and Competitiveness Forum (LV PEAK), founded on 12 May 2018 by the University of Latvia. It compiles research on factors of productivity and competitiveness in developed countries, European Union and Latvia. The authors of the chapters analyze trends, challenges and necessary changes in Latvian policy. 

The monography presentation event took place on 20.05.2019. Read more about monography presentation event (in Latvian)…

I. Šteinbuka (interview for DienasBizness). Productivity opens new doors for economic development  

Rīga : DienasBizness (newspaper). 7 lpp.
Nr.: 106(5881) 2019-06-04

In this article I.Šteinbuka discusses about productivity and its impact on Latvian economic development. 

DienasBizness electronic newspaper portal: Read more (in Latvian)…