Our Team


Contact Information

Email: inna.steinbuka@lu.lv

Prof., Dr.hab.oec. Inna Šteinbuka

Chair of the LAS EPPI Council

Full member of Latvian Academy of Sciences


Inna Šteinbuka is Professor, Director of the Master's degree programme "European Studies and Economic Diplomacy" at the University of Latvia. In 2018-2019 she was a special advisor to Vice President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis. Since 2018 she was a member, and since December 2019 became Chair  of the Latvian Fiscal Discipline Council. From 2011 to 2018 she has been the Head of the European Commission Representation in Latvia. She has been working at the European Commission since 2005 and was previously the Director of the Department of Economic and Regional Statistics, and the Department of Social and Information Society Statistics at Eurostat. Prior to joining the European Commission, she has been Chair of the Public Utilities Commission of Latvia and Senior Advisor to the Executive Director of Nordic - Baltic constituency at the International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C. She has previously held various positions at the Ministry of Finance. She is a Member of the "Economists Association 2010". Inna Šteinbuka is full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. In 2008 Inna Šteinbuka was awarded with the Order of the Three Stars for her achievements in finance and economics.

Prof., Dr. habil.art. Ojārs Spārītis

Member of the LAS EPPI Council President of the LAS

Email: osparitis@gmail.com

Prof., Dr.hab.oec. Baiba Rivža

Member of the LAS EPPI Council LAS, Member of the Presidium

Email: baiba.rivza@llu.lv

Prof., Dr.oec. Juris Krūmiņš

Member of the LAS EPPI Council Full member of LAS

Email: jurs.krumins@lu.lv

Prof., Dr.admin. Gundars Berziņš

Member of the LAS EPPI Council LAS Corresponding member

Email: gundars.berzins@lu.lv

Asoc.prof., Dr.pol. Ivars Ījabs

Member of the LAS EPPI Council LAS Corresponding Member

Email: ivars.ijabs@lu.lv

Kārina Petersone

Member of the LAS EPPI Council LAS Honorable member

Email: karina.petersone@gaisma.lv

Dr.oec. Joseph Menaker

Member of the LAS EPPI Council Entrepreneur

Email: joseph.menaker@gmail.com

Ingrīda Labucka

Member of the LAS EPPI Council, Judge

Email: blonska.ingrida@gmail.com


Contact information

Email: zane.zeibote@lza.lv

Dr.oec. Zane Zeibote

LAS EPRI Acting Director



Zane Zeibote PhD in Regional Economics, M.A. in Economic Policy Management, McGill University, Canada and Master degree in Economics from the University of Latvia. Since 2010 works as the Project Manager at the University of Latvia with Horizon-2020, Interreg, ERSAMUS+ and other projects. Since 2015 works as the National Expert of Latvia for the Partner Institute of the IMD World Competitiveness Center. Responsible for providing selected data sets and conducting surveys for including research on Latvia in the World Competitiveness Ranking reports. Since 2014 works as an expert and analyst for the European Commission studies. Areas of expertise: EU economic integration, economic, social and regional policies issues in the EU with a special focus on EU structural funds implementation in the EU and Baltic States, economic, competitiveness project management. Long- standing experience working in different capacities for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1991 to 1999 and acting as an Advisor on Economic Affairs to the President of Latvia from 2000 to 2010.


Aldis Austers


Email: aldis.austers@lza.lv

Eduards Bruno Deksnis

Senior researcher

Email: eduards.deksnis@lza.lv

Gints Apals

Senior researcher

Email: gints.apals@lza.lv

Jurijs Spiridonovs

Senior researcher

Email: jurijs.spiridonovs@lza.lv

Leonarda Ķestere


Email: leonarda.kestere@lza.lv

Oļegs Barānovs

Senior researcher

Email: olegs.baranovs@lza.lv

Signe Groza

Scientific assistant

Email: signe.groza@lza.lv

Vladimirs Rojenko


Email: vladimirs.rojenko@lza.lv

Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica

Senior researcher

Email: zanda.kalnina-lukasevica@lu.lv