LAS European Policy Research Institute - a leading EU policy research center in Latvia
The establishment of the European Policy Research Institute (EPRI) at the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) targets integration into research infrastructure of the European Union and the Organization of Economic Cooperation (OECD).
On 6 June 2017 the European Policy Research Institute (EPRI) at the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) was created. The Chairperson of the Board of the EPRI is a distinguished researcher, full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, professor Inna Šteinbuka.
The objective of the EPRI is to facilitate implementation of the objectives and tasks determined by the Statutes and the Charter of the Latvian Academy of Sciences by developing interdisciplinary research projects on the contemporary European policy issues corresponding to the LAS development strategy, as well as ensuring high research quality.
The main tasks of EPRI include:
- Providing opportunities for researchers and stakeholders to obtain knowledge and information of the interdisciplinary nature on the European integration;
- Working on contemporary research projects, wich are particularly important for the society taking into account recent political, economic, legal and social developments in order to promote the recognition of the Latvian Academy of Science in the international scientific environment;
- Involving the staff of the LAS in the research projects defined by the EPRI and related to the European integration and global developments;
- Providing high research quality by involving Latvian and foreign researchers and experts in the projects implemented by the EPRI;
- Attracting financial resources for research work (project funding from national and international public and private sources including the EU funds);
- Publishing, disseminating and presenting research results to the academic community and public at large.
The EPRI actively cooperates with the other structures of the LAS, research and education institutions, public institutions, NGOs and other national and international partners, participates in the scientific conferences, seminars, symposiums and other scientific events in Latvia and abroad.